“Do you want fries with that?”

“Do you want fries with that?”
There are some students after reaching the lower dan grades of karate, who believe they have enough knowledge to teach on their own, starting a dojo or school with just a fundamental knowledge of the martial arts. While there are some who can do this, unfortunately there are those who believe they have nothing left to learn! Yet in reality they are just scratching the surface. All they really know is how to kick, punch and do a few exercises.
To be an instructor requires a certain level of maturity, responsibility, honesty, experience and depth of knowledge.
There are instructors that do not inform their students which part of the ‘martial map’ the techniques they are practicing are based upon. The is no clear purpose to their training, and there is confusion when any given method or technique is applicable, and when it is not…… Just raise your hands and fight, right?
There are some black belts where their knowledge is so limited and reliant on the YouTube-sensei, that they are basically just walking through the techniques, while adding yet another push-up, squat or any physical exercise they can think up, to avoid being asked a question in depth.
Occasionally, these individuals will open schools who behave abnormally, who are inappropriate, and without integrity, manners or respect. Some of them believing in their own advertising and hype, and think of themselves as above everyone else.
These are the instructors and schools to avoid. How long have they been teaching and training in their chosen style? Where are their qualifications? Have they jumped from one style to another? A black belt in this style and a black belt in that style…… Don’t forget to sign the contract and you too can be a black belt in no time at all! ……..These maybe the McDojo’s one should avoid.
Choosing the right school and instructor, is an important first step in getting started in the martial arts…… Avoid the; “do you want fries with that?” McDojo school….
Be careful who you choose! ??

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