Defend Yourself with Wisdom: Running Shoes, The Ultimate Self-Defense Tool.

(Approx 2 minute 40 second read) Many people believe that learning a martial art is the key to protecting themselves. While many martial arts evolved as self-defense systems, they were developed to suit the needs of people in specific times and places. But how well do these systems translate to the practical, modern-day world? Do…

Naihanchi: Absent from Competition, Essential for Practical Application.

(Approx 2 minute read) Naihanchi kata, simple in appearance but profound in application. Its name is commonly interpreted as “sideways fighting”, referencing the kata’s distinctive embusen. Although other interpretations also exist. . Gichin Funakoshi, renamed the kata ‘Tekki’ (Iron Horse), honoring his teacher Anko Itosu and emphasizing its strength and stability. While the precise origins…

To Jump or Not to Jump: Interpreting ‘Nidan-Geri’ for Self-Defense.

(Approx 2 minute 10 second read) In most kata, the template shows us that kicks tend to be delivered singularly, but there are a few kata where multiple kicks are presented. This raises an important question: What purpose do these multiple kicks serve in the context of self-defense? . Commonly referred to as “Nidan-geri” (二段蹴り)….