Shut up and listen.

People don’t usually read articles or posts that are online fully, they just skim through the content, or just view the image and move on. Some will then comment without any context or regard for the content. This makes me ask the question; do people really pay attention during their training? . Sometimes it’s good…

Slow down, have the intelligence to let hatred go, and live life. 

You run into lots of different attitudes in the martial arts (and out of it), most are extremely positive, but some extremely hateful. While all of us would prefer the positive, unfortunately there are those that just prefer to hate. . Hate is an emotion that gives us a feeling of intense hostility and aversion,…

Hit from where your hands are.

In the dojo recently we talked about “momentum” in a strike, punch or similar technique. Momentum can simply be defined as; “mass in motion.” All objects have mass; so if an object is moving, then it has momentum. . Our discussion was based upon moving our hands in an opposite direction to our target (moving…

“A mistake should be your teacher, not your attacker.”

We all make mistakes, we lose our way. We focus on the wrong things. We pursue goals at all costs. We doggedly stick to our training routines that may not be effective. You can be a good, dedicated person and still exercise poor judgment. . Sometimes in these moments, we’re not the friend others deserve,…

“If someone asks what Karate is, the answer is Kata.”

“If someone asks what Karate is, the answer is Kata. Karate is the act of inheriting a Kata from the master. It is the act of guarding the Kata inherited from the master. It is to nurture someone and make someone grow.” – Yamashiro Yoshitomo Okinawa Kenpo . What is the true meaning of the…

What works best…. is what works best.

Human beings are emotional creatures. In the battle between emotions, common sense and logic, emotions win, always . I prefer to look at my karate from a logical and common sense perspective, with a view to developing functional combative skill. . Logical thinking is a process of exploring different solutions to a given problem. ….

“If all you have is a hammer, everything looks like a nail.”

Despite the differences in origin and style, most martial arts consist of similar techniques and skills that form a base for the art. . Most people believe that karate is a strike-only martial art. Wrong! Karate contains a whole arsenal of grabbing and throwing techniques in addition to striking. Traditional kata are full of it,…

How do you know if you’re dehydrated?

Your body needs water to function properly and stay healthy. Proper hydration also helps you maintain good health and will help you train harder at your chosen martial art. . How do you know if you’re dehydrated? . Here’s are a few signs to be aware of if you are not drinking enough water: ….