Why is impractical “bunkai” still being taught?

For many systems of karate, which rely heavily on kata, “bunkai” – 分解 (breakdown, analysis, disassembly) and “Oyo” – 応用 (application) is of the utmost importance. . The past masters handed down the kata as an encyclopedia of their form of martial art, the ‘styles’ of the day. Even though many karate systems share kata,…

What is the definition of self-defense?

What is the definition of self-defense? . The average person’s idea of what constitutes “self-defense training” is generally the furthest thing from the truth. . The question “what is real self-defense?”, prompts many to play their ego card. Some people become offended at the suggestion of anything outside their martial arts world that is not…

“Never raise your sword in anger”.

Okinawa is rich in moral stories, and karate masters enjoy the telling of these stories. One such story is that of the poor fisherman, whose shrine stands today in a small area south of Naha, Itomen. . Prior to annexation by Japan, Okinawa was known as the Ryukyu Kingdom. The legend of two men whose…

“Shu Ha Ri” (守破離) The path to mastery.

The Japanese concept of “Shu-Ha-Ri” (守破離), applies to the practice of learning, from beginner to a level of mastery. . “Shu-Ha-Ri” is a way to think about the levels of learning that we progress through as we gain knowledge through our practice. The idea is that in order for a person to master something they…

“Any fool can know! The point is….. to understand!”

Is knowledge really power? . There is more knowledge, information, and ideas available today to make your martial arts better than ever. But hundreds of people are still not improving even with everything we know. . To acquire this knowledge, you just have to use the internet, or signup for Apps using the advice of…