In the Shadows of Tradition: Challenging Misunderstandings in Karate.

(2 minute read) Karate often finds itself mired in misconceptions and misunderstandings. . How many times have you watched a video or responded to a comment and cringed at what you have just witnessed or read? . Unlike other arts like MMA, Judo, Boxing, jiu-jitsu, etc., which seem to have clear purposes and methodologies, karate…

Beyond the Spectacle. Performance Art or Martial Art?

(2 minute 35 second read) Many people seem to grapple with the core purpose of karate. Is it a sport, a means to follow a legacy or tradition, a way to develop character, self-defense, or more? . In the early stages of my karate journey, competitive fighting was my primary focus. I eagerly awaited the…

“Keep to your Path, and nothing else will matter.”

(1 minute 55 second read) I have been involved in traditional karate for over five decades, respect is a concept I hold dear. It’s the foundation upon which the martial arts are built upon. . The other day, a stranger called me “lad” (he didn’t know me), amongst other things. Apparently he took umbrage with…

Free running from reality. The ultimate self-defense.

(2 minute 10 second read) While there are various techniques and strategies for protecting yourself, one aspect that cannot be overlooked is the role of common sense. . You have to make informed decisions that prioritize safety and well-being. So first and foremost, it’s essential to recognize that self-defense extends beyond physical combat. It encompasses…

Mastering any movement starts with the whole picture.

(2 minute 2 second read) When reading anything, it’s crucial to approach it from start to finish, right? . Skipping to the end of a book might reveal “who done it,” but you’d miss out on all the best bits in-between. . Recently, a commenter on my article “The best fight is the one you…

“It’s not what you know, but what you do with what you know.”

(1 minute 55 second read) Practice has to go beyond rote repetition to a place of true comprehension and proficiency. . While repetition is undeniably important, without curiosity, how can you truly analyze your karate and delve into the depths of its principles, not just the techniques? . Curiosity is the key that unlocks a…