“Karate is a culture.”


“Karate is a culture. If you have a culture, you can talk with any great power on an equal footing. I hope that Okinawa’s proud traditional culture will continue to exist……[…]…I’m really happy to be involved in karate for such a long time…….” – Toyama Zenshu 10th dan Goju Ryu (end quote)
Many martial arts masters and practitioners believe that you cannot truly understand a martial art form without understanding and respecting the country, culture and history that gave rise to it.
Most people join a dojo to learn how to fight and/or defend themselves. But what few students realize is that if they join a traditional dojo, soon they will find themselves becoming immersed in martial arts culture too.
It’s a wonderful thing to broaden your mind and few expect this when signing up for martial arts classes. There is one thing to understand and that is, the culture and history of the country of origin plays an integral role in shaping the techniques and principles taught by a particular form of martial art.
To truly understand the martial art you practice takes time and effort. Like anything in life, you get out what you put in, and trying to understand the culture and customs behind your martial art may help you find a better understanding of the techniques and the people involved. ??
Quote from From Okinawa Times Feb 3rd 2019

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