“You can’t demonstrate great power unless you are relaxed.”

“Smile and relax. You can’t demonstrate great power unless you are relaxed.” ~ Yoshimi Inoue Soke – Inoue-ha Shito-ryu Keishin-kai (1946-2015)
We often associate physical tension such as a contracted muscle with power. In pure physical terms, the larger and stronger a muscle, the greater the force it can generate through a given range of motion. This is quantified by the physics equation, force= mass x acceleration (F=ma). This makes sense on a purely physical level.
Tension, be it physical or mental, is neither strength nor power. It is weakness disguised as strength; the near enemy of power. In difficult situations, we revert to tension and exerting our will as a means to get what we want. If we raise our voice, puff out our chest, or clench our teeth, we may intimidate the other person into conceding. This usually results in escalating conflict rather than resolving it.
So what is a better way?……….. Relax and let go.
One of the most attainable ways of creating relaxation is through the breath. In meditation, the breath is a common tool for stilling the mind and connecting to the present moment. The specific breathing technique is not as important as being aware of your breath in any given moment.
In moments of stress, the breath tends to be shallow, rapid or even non-existent. Fear and panic often causes us to hold our breath and create even more tension. In a relaxed state, the breath is deep, full, and slow.
Under stress, TRYING to relax is just another form of tension. Instead, become aware of your body. NOTICE your breathing.
Relaxation is a byproduct of repeated training; the right kind of training; by being aware of your breathing, and breathing correctly; while training with the correct mental attitude.
Don’t build tension in your mind. This will be reflected in your body. Stop TRYING to relax………. LET IT GO…… Breathe……Relax. ??

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