“Karate at its heart is not about sport or beauty. Karate is about SURVIVAL.”

Many people are in denial of the inherent benefits of kata for self-defense, partly because its performance is seen solely as a succession of moves. Without understanding the combative applications they contain, the importance of kata has diminished. If people don’t understand what and why they are doing something, they won’t invest the necessary time and commitment necessary to understand it in any depth. Simply concluding that it has no value in any form for practical self-defense.
The reality, if you apply logic and common sense (which seems to be missing in so many), is that most attackers, just like a hundred years ago, aren’t highly trained martial artists, but people with little to no training. The kata address these common attacks that the karate student is most likely to face. Commonly known as “Habitual Acts of Violence”. These acts of violence are the same today as they were then. So why then do some people believe they are of no use?
Many karate students were just given the most basic explanation as to the purpose of a technique, and its nomenclature followed strictly. They were not given the principle behind the technique, therefore they didn’t delve further to learn the more realistic applications. This basic explanation remains with that student, they become an instructor themselves, and the cycle continues.
It is vitally important you understand the nature of real fights, if you are to successfully understand kata. Most practitioners do not engage in realistic training and therefore do not see the errors in their interpretation of kata. The kata to them, becomes ineffective.
The creators of the original art were all experienced fighting men who had used and relied upon their skills in real situations. They lived in violent times where the acquisition of fighting skills were a must if they wished to take care of themselves and their loved ones.
The majority of people in today’s society do not have to face violence on a daily basis and therefore have no idea of what it’s like. When these same people fail to study karate in the required depth, they fail to understand the advice and methodology of the past masters. Assumptions are made about the nature of violence, and these same people misinterpret the art, and for them it becomes woefully inadequate.
The masters of old understood real fighting and that is reflected in their writings and in the kata they left behind. If we practice the art in the manner the founder’s intended, then karate is a formidable system.
Step outside of what you think you know, and apply logic and common sense. Kata is NOT a bunch of blocking techniques followed by a counter-attack. The methodology applied in kata is useful for self-defense today (if correctly interpreted and practiced). There is very little difference between a civilian fight in feudal Okinawa and a civilian fight today.
Martial arts have a lot to teach us, but if you only understand specific techniques you will be unable to apply them should anything alter. Understand the principles and you will be able to adapt any technique in an infinite number of situations. This is why kata is as useful today as its always been. 👊🥋
“Those who think they know it all have no way of finding out they don’t.” – Leo Buscaglia (1924-1998)
📷 Image courtesy of Samir Berardo founder of Muidokan – With thanks to Iain Abernethy

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