All women were created equal. Then some learn karate.


All women were created equal. Then some learn karate. ??
Observe, study, become, ……. “and one day she discovered that she was fierce, and strong, and full of fire, and that not even she could hold herself back because her passion burned brighter than her fears.” ~ Mark Anthony
“I had to be better than the men in our dojo. I did one hour physical training and then one hour regular training in the dojo, and then one hour just getting beat up and harassed by the male sempai in the dojo. I had to always outwork the men. I had to do everything better and more. I even had to out drink the men…… After those 3 hours of training, I went to Okinawan dance lessons for two hours. I then came home at 1.00am went to bed and then woke at 6am to goto work.” (End quote) – Nobuko Oshiro
What an amazing life, such a tough lady and very inspirational. Nobuko Oshiro Hanshi 8th dan the first female sensei to open a dojo in Okinawa and also the highest ranked female sensei. In a country where women are sometimes seen as decorative “office flowers”, Oshiro sensei is breaking down boundaries and shattering ceilings.
The next time you are encouraging a woman to practice martial arts, remember to inform her about the story of those women who came before her.
“A strong woman knows she has strength enough for the journey, but a woman of strength knows it is in the journey where she will become strong.” – Luke Easter (1915-1979)
Do not let anyone get in the way of your dreams or stop you from doing something you enjoy. ??
References from an interview with Nobuko Oshiro & Jesse Enkamp Karate Nerd in Okinawa

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