Just Relax! (Said No One Who Was Actually Relaxed).

(Approx 1 minute 40 second read) Karate, at its core, is a discipline built on efficiency – achieving maximum power and fluidity through minimal exertion. . A student recently commented while watching me demonstrate a movement, “We have a long way to go.” He was referring to how relaxed I seemed, compared to the tension…

Educating with Insight: Ensuring Depth and Authenticity in Karate Teaching.

(Approx 2 minute 35 second read) Itosu Anko was in his 70s when he finalized the Pinan kata. Those forms were simplified and organized into a curriculum suitable for instructing larger groups, particularly within the Okinawan school system. Karate was to be promoted as a way to encourage physical education, discipline, and moral character in…

The Divisiveness in the Martial Arts: Why Are We So Divided and Broken?

(Approx 1 minute 50 second read) Why, in a discipline meant to promote humility, respect, and self-discipline, do we find ourselves so divided and broken? . Perhaps it stems from the loyalty practitioners develop toward their chosen style, instructor, or dojo. While this sense of belonging is a powerful motivator, it can easily transform into…

What Really Counts: The Unsung Heroes. Success Without the Spotlight.

(Approx 2 minute 12 second read) Recently, I came across a post on social media that made me stop and think. It said people are only worth engaging with if they’ve met specific criteria: if they’re champions, if their students are successful, or if they’ve earned respect through verifiable accomplishments – whether in competition or…

No One Art Is the Best: So Stop Bragging, and Start Learning.

(Approx 2 minute 50 second read) If you’ve read my articles, you probably know by now that I prefer my karate to be practical and pragmatic. Yet, I constantly hear from people claiming that Kyokushin is the best martial art – the strongest style that everyone should learn. After all, Kyokushin means ‘the ultimate truth,’…