To not fight is the greatest victory in a street fight.

For those of you who ‘laugh in the face of adversity’, and your response to all things is to fight….. You know who you are! . I want to stress the importance of attempting to solve a problem without a physical altercation. Really you should be trying your best to deescalate a situation before it…

So, what’s your story going to be?

  “Karate cannot be quickly learned. Like a slow moving bull, it eventually travels a thousand leagues. If one trains diligently for one or two hours every day, then in three or four years one will see a change in physique. Those who train in this fashion will discover the deeper principles of karate.” –…

Is karate still your passion?

Teachers like teaching. We like to impart our knowledge and passion in the dojo and it’s the greatest feeling ever when a student succeeds. For some there is very little financial incentive to being a teacher or running a dojo, we just want our students to surpass us. . In order to be successful, many…

Do you only know one way?

Do you only know one way? Have you only been taught to fight? . For all the importance we place on learning how to fight and defend ourselves, the martial arts should at their core, teach that it is best NOT to get into a fight in the first place. . There are dojo and…

Symbolic gesture or combative function?

When people don’t understand things, they often find it easier to create their own explanations. We see this all the time, in every part of society. . To psychologists, this behavior is known as ‘rationalization’. If something doesn’t make sense, then make it make sense. Karate is no exception. And salutations in kata is an…

The eight laws of learning are……..

It is extremely difficult, if not almost impossible, to proficient at the martial arts while training only once per week. Students who train only once a week have to relearn a great deal of information from each training session. . If you repeat too rarely, you will have forgotten most of the information you have…

Keep your word.

Finding another person, a student, with a true martial art spirit, that is, with integrity, loyalty and a true heart, is like finding a diamond on a beach of pebbles. . Many people you help will let you down, lie through their teeth, disrespect you, your dojo and your system. You cannot let them sour…

“The satisfaction of one answer merely leads to asking another question.”

“The satisfaction of one answer merely leads to asking another question.” – Alberto Manguel . Questions are more important than answers because questions seek to understand, to clarify and frame and evaluate. While answers, at their best, are temporary responses whose relative quality can decay over time, needing to be reformed and remade and reevaluated…

Finding peace of mind.

Finding peace of mind. . In this chaotic environment, it seems like we all need a small space for ourselves. A place in which we can find peace, reveal the true self and learn how to live the life our way. . But looking for an outside space is not where you will find peace….

What does it mean to be a Senpai (sempai)?

What does it mean to be a Senpai (sempai)? . Senpai (先輩) translates as “Senior” and can be applied in any situation where someone is senior to you. But the meaning for those in a traditionally run martial art school is far deeper than simply ‘Senior’. . The senpai of a dojo has usually trained…

Why do people quit and give up when they are so close?

Why do people quit and give up when they are so close? . They want the outcome more than they want to obtain a skill. . How many people do you know that speak often of something prestigious they want to be…. gain a black-belt, become an instructor, and yet never actually take the necessary…